Monday, December 10, 2012

Starry Night

Tissue Paper:


1. Choose one colored piece of construction paper to be your background.
2. Cut or rip different colors of tissue paper that will represent your sky.  
3. Use a paint brush to paint decoupage glue over the tissue paper to secure it to the construction paper.
4. Choose another colored piece of construction paper to be your foreground
5. Cut an image - examples are trees, underwater, and city out of the construction paper  
6. Glue the foreground to the top of your main construction piece
7. Use oil pastels and sharpies and various other things to add line and movement to the piece.

Extension activity:
  • You could also use music for this activity. creating different emotions with different colors. Blue for calm, Yellow and pink for excited ect.

Finger painting 


1. Tape finger painting paper to the table.
2. Create a piece of art work that has a foreground, background, and middle ground.
3. Finger or tempera paint will be your only medium.
4. Try to use Van Gogh's art techniques while painting.
5. Allow art piece to dry.
6. Peel off tape.
7. Cut out a frame for your art work out of construction paper.

8. Glue frame down on top of art work.

Extension Activities:
You could have the students listen to different types of generas in music. Then compare how each one looks different and writing a paper why.

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