Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sandpaper Art

For this lesson we drew on sandpaper and then later transferred our drawing onto another sheet of paper. You needed to press real hard with the crayon, or else it would not show up on the sandpaper. After you created your drawing, you would have Ms. Jenny iron your finished artwork onto another sheet of plain construction 
Extension activity:
~this could be a good way to learn about the different cultures and designs they used , for example Native Americans

Clay Flower Bowls

We created a clay flower bowl inspired by either Georgia O'Keeffe or Vincent Van Gogh's paintings of flowers.  First we had to wedge the clay, then we had to roll it on to a slab.  Then we laid the bowl on top of the clay and cut a circle out of it.  Next we put the clay in a bowl to help get the shape that we were looking for.  To make the flower shape you could either carve it out before putting it into the bowl or you could mold the clay while it was already in the bowl. I molded the clay because I went with Georgia O'Keeffe's insperation.  Then you had to include an additive and sub-tractive feature to the bowl.  An optional part of the project was to paint the bowl.  
An Extension Activity 
~This would be to have the students carve other works of art, or replicate pots that were made in history.

Many Different Faces (3-D Design)

This was my lesson that I taught the class. I had the students look at the different cultures who used masks, and why they did this. I taught the students different ways to fold paper.

Extension Activity:
~Continue to compare and contrast different cultures masks, and have the students form groups of the different cultures. They would create a similar mask for the culture they are researching.


Ms. Amber had us create a form of art that was rather difficult. You had to pick colors that would contrast against each other and then cut out a design. After cutting out the design you wanted to be careful not to lose the pieces you cut. These were to be placed next to where you cut them from. Almost like a reflection  After we created our design, we wrote a poem that correlated with what emotional we were portraying.

Extension Activity:
~Students could create a similar concept for history. You would have the students focus on a time in history, and recreate it.

Illustrating Gestures

For this lesson we used transparency sheets and looked through them at our partner. We were then to draw with whiteboard markers, our partners expression on the transparency sheet. After we had three different drawings, we traced them on a sheet of paper. We then wrote a narrative story about what is happening throughout the three pictures.

Extended Activity:
~The students could channel some historical figure and write a narrative about an important event they contributed in. Have them speak from their point of view.

Silhouetet Art

For this Art project Ms. Katie had us create a painting using different techniques. After we painted a background using one or more of the techniques, we were to place cut out shapes on to the painting. I created an island theme.
Extension Activity:
~Have students paint a background that would incorporate will with and animal they would choose. Then their animal needs to be cut out from the construction paper. Students would then write about the animal they chose and how the project shows it.

Eric Carle Inspired Art

Author and artist Eric Carle uses his own methods to create art. He can work for hours on his art work, and is inspired by many different areas. He paints his own tissue paper to create unique textures and color patterns. He wets down the paper, and then paints over it in any design he sees suitable  Then he sketches a page in the actual size it will be seen. After lining the sketch onto a dry tissue paper, he uses an Exacto knife to cut each piece of the art. He glues each piece in place after he has everything set in the right spot.

Extension activities
  1) You could have the students create a class book about their favorite activities.